I have an RV / trailer, I want to make money - profit on an RV

Already have an RV or caravan? Put your vehicle in our KOKO Camper Fleet rental and start earning! You will use it during a selected period of the year*, and the rest of the time we will rent it and take care of its technical condition.

Renting an RV / trailer - what you can gain


* 90% of the profits (our commission is only 10% if you bring the customer yourself to rent).
* 80% of the rental profits go to you, our commission is 20% (if you purchased the RV with our help).
* 70% of the rental profits go to you, our commission is 30% (if you already have an RV you purchased without our help).


* 80% of the rental profits go to you, our commission is 20% (if you bring a customer on rent yourself).
* 70% of the rental profits go to you, our commission is 30% (if you bought the trailer with our help).
* 60% of the rental profits go to you, our commission is 40% (if you have a trailer that you purchased without our help).


  • you don’t have to look for customers – we do it for you
  • you are not involved in the formalities of renting a vehicle
  • possibility to winterize a camper or a trailer on the square – 300 PLN gross/month or a 6-month package – 1300 PLN gross (from October to March)
  • We keep an eye on inspection dates and take care of the technical condition of your vehicle, inform you of the need for any repairs.

* You declare when YOU want to use the camper / caravan. You choose for yourself the dates that fully suit you. Keep in mind that if you use an RV/trailer for your own needs during the peak season, your rental profit may be less.