KOKO Kamper Fleet - managing your camper / trailer

An RV – your own RV – is freedom, independence, adventure. The same is true of a caravan, which can be a house on wheels. What if you started making extra money from it? According to, skillful RV management can get you up to 40% from your investment*. That’s not all, because a luxury RV or caravan is like a work of art – their value increases over time. And you can really make a good profit from it. Learn more about our KOKO Kamper Fleet proposal!

What is KOKO Kamper Fleet?

If you have a camper or caravan, and use the vehicle once in a while, it means that most of the year it stands useless. When you’re not traveling, however, you have to keep it somewhere: in a garage or parking lot, and you usually have to pay for it. Surely you also know that long stops are bad for many components that break down in an unused camper or trailer. All these problems can disappear in an instant when you decide to rent an RV or caravan to KOKO Kamper Fleet. Your vehicle will be safe and well-maintained there, and at the same time you can make a nice profit on it.

A camper is an investment. Caravan - also!

  • The market is still in demand for new and used campers and trailers. Demand for motorhomes is huge and growing.

Passenger cars lose an average of 50% of their value 3 years after purchase. This is completely different for caravans and campers, which lose only 10-25% of their value after 3 years of purchase. This means that, if you decide to put your trailer or RV up for sale in a few years, you can take a sum for the vehicle that is not much less than what you spent on buying it. Many people are interested in buying used: a trailer or camper, because new ones cost an average of 8% a year.

In addition, if, having a caravan or camper, you put the vehicle in our rental company KOKO Kamper Flota, you will really earn quite a lot of money:


  • as much as 90% of the amount for the rental of the camper goes to your wallet, if you bring the customer yourself for rental (our commission is only 10%)
  • as much as 80% of the amount for the rental of the camper goes to you if you bought the camper with us (our commission is only 20%) 
  • as much as 70% of the amount for the rental of the camper goes to you if you did not buy the camper with us (our commission is then 30% ) 
  • 80% of the amount from the rental goes to you, our commission is 20% if you bring the customer to the rental yourself
  • as much as 70% of the amount for caravan rental goes to you if you bought a caravan with our help (our commission is 30%)
  • As much as 60% of the amount for caravan rental goes to you if we did not help you buy a caravan (our commission is 40%)

During this time the camper or trailer will not lose its value and you will recoup some of your investment costs. Throughout the rental period, We take care of your camper or trailer as if it were your own RV. Check out the details! 

* Percentage figures are from – see link. They do not constitute a commercial offer. Due to the inability to predict the behavior of the market, we do not guarantee a given level of profit.