Deposit for an RV for rent – not such a terrible devil as they paint him!

Deposit for an RV for rent - not such a terrible devil as they paint him!

Renting an RV is the beginning of an amazing caravanning adventure for many people. It’s worth preparing well for this adventure, so that you can enjoy your dream vacation and get your RV rental deposit back in full. Is a deposit for an RV or trailer mandatory? How much is the security deposit for an RV? What can you lose your deposit for and what are we doing at KoKo Kamper to minimize that risk?

Table of Contents:

What is the deposit for renting an RV or caravan?

Deposit for an RV is a refundable fee that must be paid at the time the vehicle is rented. The deposit for an RV or deposit for a caravan is collected at all RV and caravan rentals. No wonder – the RV you rent is worth an average of 500,000 zlotys in the case of an RV for Cat. B and even ok. 1.5 million for a cat.C camper. In addition, damage to the vehicle and its repair takes it out of service for a while, exposing the rental company to losses.

Why is there a deposit for an RV or trailer?

Deposit for an RV or caravan provides financial security for the rental company. The amount of the deposit depends on the type and value of the vehicle. No one assumes ill-will on the part of the renter, but sometimes during the use of an RV or trailer unforeseen situations occur, resulting in some damage. In this case, an appropriate amount is taken from the deposit to cover the damage. Beforehand, the information on the fixed amount is sent to the client for approval. This is the so-called. Customer’s deductible for the damage. In our KoKo Kamper rental shop we also charge kauction for an RV or caravan. However, there is no reason to worry – in the vast majority of cases the deposit is returned in full, because our customers return the vehicles in unaltered condition.

How do we ensure that the customer is not deducted from the deposit?

No one specifically destroys the rental vehicle they used to go on their dream trip. But “accidents at work” can happen, so to begin with minimize the risk of damage. How? Before picking up the camper/trailer from the rental company, We train our customers on how to use and operate the vehicle. During the training:

  • we present all relevant functionalities and show how to operate the vehicle
  • We answer questions to address any concerns you may have about operating your vehicle while traveling and while using it at the campsite
  • Each renter can take a test drive behind the wheel accompanied by our representative, who will present practical driving issues.
  • we encourage you to watch
    camper owner’s manual on video!
    The video is also worth watching before picking up the camper, additional questions may arise then.

The fact that our customers are thoroughly trained makes it possible for them to use an RV or trailer in a harmless way, and have a lot of fun doing it. And – of course – the recover the deposit in full. Our customers’ satisfaction is confirmed by calendars filled with vehicle bookings, positive reviews on Google, and returning customers who want to use our services again.

I have damaged my camper – should I be afraid?

We treat each case individually and we always apply the solutions that are most beneficial to our clients. If there is any damage, we try to repair it in such a way that the cost is as low as possible. How do we do it? E.g..

  • we deduct from the deposit only the amount actually spent on the purchase of parts and repairs
  • if possible repair damaged components instead of replacing them with new ones (in some cases, however, it is not possible to repair them, then it is sometimes necessary to purchase a new part)
  • we repair what actually broke (a specific component, not the whole thing)

Example 1:

The customer damaged the leg from the awning. We did not replace the entire awning (as other RV rental companies usually do), which would have been an expense of several thousand zlotys (5,000-5,500 zlotys), but managed to replace the leg itself for about 500 zlotys. As a result, the unlucky customer only had to cover the cost of replacing this component, and not the entire awning. In addition, we were able to temporarily repair the component so that subsequent customers could use the awning freely before we received a new awning component for replacement.

Example 2:

Another customer destroyed the awning material. Instead of buying a new awning for approx. 5000-5500 we replaced the material itself, so the cost of the repair was significantly lower, amounting to only 1,400 zlotys. The easiest thing to do would probably be to buy a new awning (that’s probably what most rental companies would do), but we wanted to make sure the customer didn’t have to incur such a high expense.

Example 3:

Damage also occurs in the interior of the camper. One of the occupants of the camper broke the hinges off a table. Instead of buying new hinges from a caravanning store for £300, we decided to buy the corresponding parts from a carpentry store for £90. The table works flawlessly after the repair, and thanks to this, our customer saved more than PLN 200.

Example 4:

Another customer was unlucky, damaging the front from the refrigerator, which is one of the more expensive pieces of equipment in the vehicle. But in this case, too, we were able to minimize the cost of repair. Instead of replacing the entire door at a cost of $2,400, we bought a replacement component for $800. The refrigerator looks like new, and the customer’s pocket is left with 1,600 zloty.

RV deposit – when do you lose it and how to avoid it?

See other examples of situations and bail deduction amounts. Note also that most cases These are not damages at all, but simply… negligence, which can be very easily avoided:

Camper deposit – how to avoid a deduction?

  • read the terms and conditions for renting an RV / trailer and follow them
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions during camper training
  • During the rental, take care of the vehicle as you would take care of your own
  • if anything concerns you or damages something, let us know right away
  • Before returning the camper to the rental company, empty the chemical toilet and gray water tanks, clean the vehicle inside, wash it at the car wash and refuel it.
  • Return of an unwashed vehicle from the outside – PLN 150.00 (campers go on every trip clean and elegant; we care very much that they return to us in a similar condition, and therefore on the way to the rental shop we encourage you to visit the car wash)
  • Return of an untidy vehicle inside – 450,00 zloty (return the vehicle in the condition in which you found it. Cleaning the camper after the trip is not terrible at all, and saves you 450 zł)
  • Return of a vehicle with stained upholstery – upholstery washing 200.00 zloty/1 item (to avoid this fee, just pour wine, coffee or tea carefully)
  • Return of a vehicle with a stained mattress – washing and cleaning of the mattress – PLN 400.00/unit. (If you are traveling with small children, it is a good idea to use waterproof mattress protectors)

Return of a vehicle with a non-empty toilet and non-empty gray water tank – emptying of waste tanks kpl. 250,00 PLN (if you leave this “pleasure” to our team, the amount of this service will be deducted from your deposit). Emptying the toilet and gray water tank is possible not only at special points, but also at stations with the WC BUS option.

  • Return of an unrefueled vehicle – 100 zlotys + the value from the bill at the station (just refuel the vehicle; a few minutes at the station can save you from losing 100 zlotys). The vehicle should be refueled to the level it was at the time the vehicle was received.
  • Return of the vehicle without refilled Adblue – PLN 100 + the value of the bill. To avoid this deduction from your deposit, fill up your Adblue to full and show us your receipt when you return the vehicle
  • Violation of the ban on smoking in an RV – PLN 2000.00 (we say a firm “no!” to smoking in vehicles, because the smell of tobacco penetrates into the upholstery and upholstery, and is very difficult to remove).
  • Fine – administrative fee of PLN 246 + lease payments + value of the fine (just obey the rules of the road… our RVs have good engines and you certainly sometimes feel like giving the gas harder, but remember the rules of the road and – above all – your own safety)
  • scratches on the paint
  • covered alloys
  • dents and parking lot scuffs
  • equipment shortages
  • damaged mechanisms and handles of cabinets or drawers
  • soiled mattresses or upholstery
  • broken mosquito net or awning

What else can I do to avoid having my RV or caravan deposit deducted?

Always read the following before renting an RV or caravan terms and conditions of rental. This way you know what responsibility we have and what responsibility you have when you sign the contract.

Want to see the lease terms now? Click the link:

* The rental terms for a B camper, C camper, caravan and Toyota bus are the same; only the deposit amount differs.

  • Be very careful when maneuvering in parking lots and campgrounds – this is where minor paint scuffs or dents are most likely to occur, for which a deduction from your deposit may be made. Always check the parking space: before making a maneuver, go around the vehicle to rule out surprises that may be lurking near the camper. If you are traveling with other people then it is best to ask a fellow passenger for such assistance – it is important to check the distance from obstacles near the vehicle such as branches, the presence of a log, a stone, a high curb.
  • If any damage happened during your trip, then… don’t worry. We are here for you and we are here to find a solution as soon as possible, before you even come back. Therefore, if there is a problem, defect or damage, report it to us right away. This will allow us to better prepare for the pending repair, such as ordering the necessary parts immediately. It will also speed up the valuation of the repair and the calculation of the amount that will be deducted from your deposit.
  • If a component or even a piece of a component falls off during the damage, take it with you. We may be able to use it for repairs, which will reduce the amount of the deposit deduction.
  • Pay attention to the displays and let us know right away if any new light comes on. We will determine whether action is required or whether you can continue your journey in peace.

How much is the RV and caravan deposit at KoKo Kamper?

The amount of the deposit for the camper / trailer is tied to the value of the equipment. At KoKo Kamper rental, the deposit is as follows:

  • Deposit for caravan – 3,000 PLN
  • Camper deposit for cat. B (Premium and Prestige campervans, campervans) – PLN 5000
  • Camper deposit for cat. B (Premium+, Prestige+ campers) – PLN 8,000.
  • Camper deposit for cat. C (Frankia Platin) – PLN 15,000
  • Deposit for a Toyota bus – 3000 PLN
For additional information on the cost of rental, see the price list of camper rentals i caravan rental price list.

When do I have to pay a deposit for renting an RV?

The camper rental deposit is paid in cash on the day the vehicle is released. In the case of transfer, the deposit must be credited to our account at the time of issuance of the vehicle.

What is an RV acceptance protocol?

Before renting a motorhome, we draw up a camper/caravan acceptance protocol together with the renter. It is for a document that confirms the condition of the vehicle at the time of rental. During the joint inspection, we take photos, which are made available to both parties. On the record, the tenant also confirms that he has received training on the operation of the vehicle and understood the information provided.

RV deposit refund – when is an RV rental deposit refunded?

At the time of returning the vehicle to the rental company, we draw up and sign a delivery and acceptance report. We then check for the presence of visible damage to the exterior and interior of the vehicle. If, after inspecting the vehicle, we find no damage or deficiencies, then The deposit is refunded in full immediately or up to a maximum of 14 calendar days after returning the vehicle.

On the other hand, in the case of damage, the timing of the return of the deposit depends on the time of obtaining an estimate for the repairs, which we then present to the customer for approval. We strive to obtain a valuation of the damage as soon as possible, but during the season this time may be extended until the vehicles return from their scheduled trips. Once the customer accepts the quote for the repairs, we move forward with the procedure for returning the deposit, less deductions. We return the money immediately after the customer accepts the quote for the repairs.

Insurance for camper rental deposit

RV deposit insurance is a new service you can purchase from a proven broker. Bail insurance DOES NOT relieve you of paying your bail, instead it removes your financial liability for damages caused by collision, accident or third party action. Allows you to get a refund of the amount deducted from the deposit resulting from the damage. We described all the information on deposit insurance in our blog article “Insurance for an RV deposit”.

Have a wide road!

Enjoy your dream trip and take advantage of the freedom offered by our comfortable, well-equipped campers and caravans for rent. We are committed to ensuring that the vehicles at KoKo Kamper are always perfectly prepared for our customers. We take care of their technical condition, regularly service them and provide modern equipment. We do our best to make your trip with KoKo Kamper a real pleasure!