The best employee benefits? A camper / caravan that employees can go on holiday in.

What are the best employee benefits available today? Fitness cards, healthcare packages and free fresh fruit every Thursday have long ceased to impress. Are you looking for unique employee benefit? If you want to attract talented candidates or surprise your team with an non-wage employee benefit, see what we have to offer! A modern camper or caravan that can by used by your team – in the form of an employee benefit or one-time bonus for particularly motivated members of your team. The opportunity to use a luxurious camper / caravan can be compared to giving your employees access to a vacation home.
These kind of „dream holidays for employees” are undoubtedly becoming increasingly popular on the market of non-wage benefits. See how it works!
Employee benefits in a modern company
When we say „camper/caravan as an employee benefit,” we aren’t talking about giving every employee a „company camper”. And it doesn’t mean giving someone a luxurious camper, as a gift, instead of a Christmas bonus. But you can show appreciation for your employees by giving them a voucher for a camper/caravan rental or by lending them a company camper that they can use on holidays or a weekend getaway. Any employee that gets this kind of benefit can make their dream of an active holiday, spent exploring Poland or Europe, come true. Campers/caravans provide a sense of adventure that even the best hotel does not.
Example use of a camper/caravan by employees:
- opportunity to use the company’s camper/caravan 1-2 weeks per year for vacations
- opportunity to use the company’s camper/caravan during the weekend
- possibility of going to any European country in the camper/caravan
A camper as an employee benefit – how it works?
- Your company signs an agreement with KoKo Kamper to rent a comfortable, year-round camper on very favourable terms,
- Depending on your needs, you can choose the option of long-term camper rental i.e. for 1 year or a shorter rental period such as 3 or 6 months. We also recommend that our customers purchase vouchers which are an attractive gift for employees,
- You put your company’s logo on the camper/caravan,
- You decide on how your employees use the company camper / caravan – we have experience in the HR industry and are happy to help,
- You watch as your employees come back from camper/caravan trips with more motivation and a new-found energy to work.
Each company can establish its own rules on how employees share the camper/caravan. You can decide to rent a Camper/caravan for a longer period of time and make the vehicle available to employees, or simply purchase individual vouchers, for example, for week-long trips. Whether this will be a employee benefit for everyone i.e. the ability to use the camper/caravan for 7 days a year, or a reward for the best employees – that’s entirely up to you.
Camper for employees = paperwork for the employer?
When you use KoKo Kamper you don’t have to worry about paperwork and technical issues. KoKo Kamper can provide all the services related to lending a camper / caravan to your employees, take care of current maintenance and prepare the vehicle for travel so it’s always ready and waiting for the next employee. We establish terms of cooperation on an individual basis in each agreement. There is no need to involve members of your team or hire new people to handle providing this employee benefit. KoKo Kamper will take care of everything related to renting the camper/caravan.
What does your company get by providing this unique employee benefit?
No matter what industry your company does business in – everyone loves going on vacation. That’s regardless of the position they are in or the nature of their work. And a company camper/caravan can take them on their dream vacation wherever they want. What do you get?
- positive impact on employer branding
- point of difference vs. competitors
- more engaged employees
- new way to attract talent to your company
- less costs related to other “typical” benefits
And there is another important advantage – this a way to reduce accumulated vacation days. Instead of a boring holiday spent in some resort, offer your „anti-vacation” employees an adventurous trip in a luxurious camper that is worth 500.000 PLN. This should impress them and encourage them to use their vacation days. Another way that your employees can benefit from a camper/caravan is the option of a”workation” – combining travel, adventure, and visits to interesting places with work – all in a comfortable camper/caravan.
Modern campers and caravans at KoKo Kamper
All KoKo Kamper campers are equipped with:
- modern parking air conditioning
- efficient heating
- comfortable beds and ample storage
- compact bathroom (shower, toilet, sink)
- a practical kitchen with a spacious refrigerator
- living area with table and comfortable seats
At KoKo Kamper we also have modern, spacious, and well-equipped caravans that will meet the expectations of even the most demanding people. These modern luxurious camping vehicles provide amazing adventures and experiences that your employees will love to share with their business contacts which, in turn, will have a positive impact on your employer value proposition. You can also count on social media posts of satisfied team members traveling in a camper/caravan that has your company’s logo on it and spreading the word about this unique employee benefit that your company provides. And most importantly – by letting your employees relax and recharge their batteries, you are guaranteed that they will return to work rested, motivated and full of new energy to work.
Attract talent to your business using a camper.
The unique non-wage benefit that is a camper for employees will help your company stand out on the labor market. Job candidates are sure to notice an advertisement by a company that offers this kind of employee benefit – it’s something that your competitors can only dream of having and a definite advantage for you! Are you looking for a unique employee benefit and asking yourself – is a camper/caravan a good idea? Are you thinking – will my employees really find this kind of unique non-wage benefit attractive? The answer to those questions is simple – YES! We’re convinced that practically anyone and everyone will love this kind of employee benefit. What kinds of choices do we offer?
- Most of the campers/caravans for rent at KoKo Kamper can be driven by a driver with a cat B license. No additional licenses are required.
- The exception here is our Frankia model – a category C camper (which can be great for transportation/logistics companies whose employees have a category C license).
- A caravan is also a terrific employee benefit. You can find details about the licenses required to operate a caravan here.
Are there big age differences between some of your employees? Do they have different family situations? Don’t worry. We’re sure that going on holiday in a luxurious camper/caravan is an employee benefit that almost everyone will find appealing.
Long-term camper/caravan rental employee benefit – how much does it cost?
The answer to that depends on the amount of money you are willing to spend on providing special recognition to committed employees. Contact us. We’ll be happy to discus your expectations and choose a solution that best meets them. The prices of renting a camper / caravan are as follows:
- campers – starting at 490 PLN (including tax) /day
- caravans – starting at 280 PLN (including tax) /day
NOTE: in the case a long-term camper / caravan rental you can count on prices lower than list, special discounts and personalized offers best-suited to the model of cooperation you choose.
Contact us. We’ll be happy to create an offer that is best suited to your needs!
A company that knows and meets the needs of its employees can count on a better atmosphere at work and a more commited team of individuals. Happy and rested employees will get more done and surprise you with their creativity. As for their free time, they’ll use it to plan another trip…in your camper!
Also, make sure to check out the opportunities described in the B2B section of this website!
Pracodawca, który zna i spełnia potrzeby swoich pracowników może liczyć na lepszą atmosferę w pracy i większe zaangażowanie. Szczęśliwi i wypoczęci pracownicy będą pracować z większą energią, zaskakiwać kreatywnością, a w wolnym czasie będą planować kolejną podróż… oczywiście Waszym firmowym kamperem.
Poznaj też inne możliwości, jakie daje opcja “kamper dla firm” w KoKo Kamper!