Private campervan rental – the way to do business

prywatny wynajem kampera sposób na biznes

Private campervan rental - the way to do business

prywatny wynajem kampera sposób na biznes

Start making money on your campervan instead of paying for it!

Private campervan rental is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Many people decide to buy a campervan because they think it’s their ticket to spending their dream vacation on their own terms, without any restrictions. Their friends envy them, because they have a comfortable yet economical accommodation, and they pay only for space at the campsite. But is that the whole story? Having your own campervan also means costs: vehicle insurance, technical inspections, repairs, additional equipment, paid parking in the off-season. And then there’s the lease or loan installment that can amount to several thousand zlotys a month. That part doesn’t sound so good. In fact, you may find that two weeks in your own capervan cost you more than staying in a five-star hotel. But it doesn’t have to be that way, because your campervan can pay for itself. How is that possible?

How to save and make money on a campervan?

The answer: rent your campervan to other caravanning enthusiasts. The prices of new campervans are now similar to the prices of apartments – buying a new campervan costs from PLN 450.000 (campervans cost about 400 thousand, prestige campervans – about 450 thousand, integrated campervans – over 500 thousand). And would you want your new apartment to stand empty while you are still paying off the mortgage on it and covering maintenance costs? It would definitely be better to rent it out, and use the money from the tenant to cover loan installments, right? This option also works well in the case of campervans. However, instead of taking the risk of renting a campervan privately, looking for customers on advertising sites, instead of worrying about the paperwork, it is definitely more efficient and safer to rent a campervan to a Campervan rental company. That what our „Make money on your campervan” proposal is about. Do you want to take advantage of it?

„Private camper for rent”- are these ads a good idea?

„Private camper for rent” – popular advertising portals are full of these kinds of offers. Looking for customers this way is risky and requires a lot of patience as well as free time. Preparing a detailed description of the camper, attractive photos, writing back to messages, answering phone calls at different times of the day and night, hundreds of questions flowing in by email, and in the end… the customer goes elsewhere. Or – if not –  you have to take care of the paperwork and the signing of the agreement (better to have it written by a lawyer, and that’s another expense, right?). Besides, there is a lot of competition on these kind of advertising portals, which often forces you to lower the price of renting a campervan per day and make less profit than expected. And in the case of a new top-of-the-line campervan, competing on price with older vehicles is almost impossible. So why not take the sure option of putting the campervan under the management of a  proven campervan rental company? Don’t worry about the formalities and make a profit on renting your campervan!

Putting your campervan under management of a rental company – the safe solution

Most customers looking for a campervan to take on vacation are more likely to use a campervan rental company than a private rental, even if the price is higher. First of all, they are assured that the campervan from the rental company is:

  • fully operational and safe
  • regularly serviced
  • perfectly equipped
  • has insurance appropriate to the services provided (in the case of private rental, the insurer may challenge the payment of compensation in the event of a traffic accident)
  • in case of a defect preventing the continuation of your trip, the rental company can offer to substitute the campervan with another one
  • The credibility of the campervan rental company can be checked on the Internet (website, social media, user reviews)
  • The campervan rental company has a great deal of experience, know-how and infrastructure, so the renter is well served
  • The campervan rental company has professionally prepared rental agreements that protect the interests of both parties

The Campervans for rent on our website are described in detail, and we always add photos of the interior of every specific vehicle. This way the customer knows exactly what kind of campervan he/she is renting and is sure that it meets his/her expectations. At the time of renting a campervan, we also sign an agreement that adequately protects the interests of the campervan owner in case of damage to the vehicle or other unforeseen situations.

Campervans under management of KoKo Kamper rental company

We know very well that buying a campervan and maintaining it is a considerable expense. But you don’t have to give up on your dream, even if you think it will put you in a tight spot financially. By buying a campervan from us and/or putting it under management of our rental company, you can enjoy the benefits of owning your own campervan while significantly reducing maintenance costs.  Worth it? When entering into a campervan management agreement with our rental company Koko Kamper ensures professional campervan rental services and an individual approach to each of our clients – both the campervan owner and person who intends to rent the campervan. You can count on attractive profits while not worrying about finding customers or formalities, because:

  • we prepare an agreement that protects the interests of both parties
  • you use the campervan at your convenience, as stated in the agreement, including, of course, in peak season (you can also use our fleet on preferential terms)
  • you receive as much as 80% of the profit from renting the campervan (if you bought it from us); otherwise, 70% of the profits go to you
  • you do not have to look for customers, we take care of advertising and get customers
  • you can park your campervan with us during the winter 
  • we take care of preparing the campervan for rental
  • we complete all formalities related to the lease
  • we inform you about the dates of technical inspections and provide such a service, so you can get your vehicle on the road right away
  • we maintain the technical condition and interior of your camper and inform you about necessary repairs
  • we advise you regarding additional equipment for the camper
  • we provide professional support when entering into insurance agreements
  • we help you sell your used campervan

Does private campervan rental pay?

If PLN 60.000 in income is something you are interested in, then the answer is YES! The actual question should be: HOW VERY profitable is it for you to privately rent a campervan. And this depends largely on how much time your vehicle will „work”. It is enough that you rent your vehicle for one of the summer vacation months, and with the money you earn you can pay off a few loan installments or take your campervan on a wonderful trip. You can count on the biggest profit if you decide to offer your campervan for rent in peak season. But even renting a campervan in the off season can provide a serious boost to your wallet and reduce the cost of maintaining your campervan. Our fleet of campervans under management is steadily expanding to include more modern campervans, and our customer base is growing steadily thanks to intensive marketing efforts. It pays for you to join KoKo Kamper rental company with your own campervan and benefit from our experience in the campervan rental business.

How much can you make by renting a campervan?

You get 80% of income from each campervan rental (that is if you buy a campervan from us – have you heard  about the „Test and Buy” option? Be sure to check it out!), and KoKo Kamper only makes 20%. If you put a campervan purchased elsewhere under our management, 70% of profit from rental will go to you. The best season for renting a campervan is from April/May to September. During this time, your campervan can bring in about PLN 50-60 thousand in gross income. You have to admit that this is definitely a better option than having your campervan siting in a parking lot – for which you have to pay extra. If you put your campervan under management of our rental company it earns money to pay for itself and for your vacations.

Campervan insurance on commercial rental

If you want to make money on your campervan it is necessary to purchase an insurance policy that includes the option to rent the vehicle for profit. There are many offers on the market for collision and liability insurance on a campervan for rent, but the differences in scope of coverage and price of insurance can be significant. This kind of insurance costs several thousand PLN per year. That’s why, at KoKo Kamper, we help our customers choose the best insurance policy for their camper. This way you won’t overpay but will be fully protected. Interest in campervans increased significantly during the pandemic and is still at a very high level. Don’t hesitate, take advantage of this trend and start making money on your own campervan – instead of paying for it. Privately renting a campervan is a chance to make some extra tangible money and drastically reduce your vehicle maintenance costs. Do you have questions? Want to put your campervan under management? Contact us – we’d be happy to talk about your new business!